Surya Flame Gas Stove Services Center

Overview on M/S Euro Care At Cuttack-SURYA FLAME GAS STOVE SERVICES

M/S Euro Care At Cuttack is known as Best Wholesaler in Cuttack .The Surya Flame Costa 2 Burner Glass Top Gas Stove has a manual ignition and a good fuel efficiency at the Surya Flame service centre in Cuttack. The gas stove's exquisite appearance makes it a focal point in your kitchen, and the brass burner ensures safe cooking. To resist high temperatures, reinforced toughened glass is 7mm thick. The Brass Burner Gas Stove delivers even heat distribution for superior cooking and little gas usage. Strong powder-coated pan and long-lasting stainless steel drip tray provide stability for holding large utensils. Compared to other gas stoves on the market, the Surya Flame gas stove emitted very little carbon monoxide (as little as 0.02%), making it significantly safer.